Wrestling for BJJ

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Are you a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu student that needs help with your wrestling?

I have noticed that many practitioners of Brazilian jiu-jitsu struggle with the wrestling aspect of the sport. They often lack the fundamental skills required to execute wrestling takedowns effectively. Consequently, they are left with no option but to pull guard. By not developing proper wrestling techniques, they miss out on a significant opportunity to improve their game.

I have put together this program to help you build a strong wrestling base. You will learn a basic elbow post setup and two takedown attacks, the double and single leg. You will also learn several finishes to those attacks.

The intro and warm-up to this seminar are available free here on YouTube.

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You'll get 13 videos Teaching 7 Techniques. There is a long version and short version to the takedown techniques. The short version cuts the fat and gets right to the details.

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Wrestling for BJJ

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